Sökresultat för Gary Fabbri... Rensa filter?

av:Malin Fabbri, Gary Fabbri

Kategorier: Fotografi Fotoutrustning och fototeknik Konst Särskild fototeknik
The cyanotype is often the first alternative process that people try. Digital photography has given this historical process new life. Now you can create negatives in your computer and develop the prints in the sun, combining one of the earliest photographic techniques with the latest. The cyanotype process is a perfect…
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Isbn: 9781411698383



Mediatyp: BC

av:Malin Fabbri, Gary Fabbri, Peter Wiklund

Kategorier: Fotografi Fotoutrustning och fototeknik Konst Särskild fototeknik
From pinhole to print will guide you from drilling your first pinhole to printing your first pinhole photograph. It is an easy to read, step-by-step guide to making a pinhole camera and creating images. Today when most cameras are brimming with digital functionality – many seek relief in the simplicity of a…
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Isbn: 9789163343803



Mediatyp: BC